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16 may 2018
Simon Kipsang; The Ranger and Co-pilot at Wildlife Works
By Jane Okoth For some, a wildlife adventure may seem like a normal thing, but that seemed an impossible opportunity for young Simon...

1 dic 2014
A Letter from Founder & President Mike Korchinsky on Our No-Gun Policy
We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our supporters and the viewers of ‘Ivory Wars’ for their outpouring of support and encouragement...

26 feb 2014
Farmers around the Kasigau Corridor Grow and Sell Seedlings to Wildlife Works
With global warming becoming a more imminent threat, trees and other vegetation remain among our best defense mechanisms. Trees’ ability...

20 feb 2014
The Rescue of Baby Elephant, Mackinnon
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust recently indicated that an orphaned elephant rescued from the Mackinnon region of our project area is...

9 dic 2013
African Wild Dogs in Rukinga
To effectively protect the wildlife in our project area, the Wildlife Works biodiversity monitoring team and rangers employ several...

10 jun 2013
All work and no play? Forest Carbon Credit Sales Fund New Phys. Ed. clothing for students!
As busy as we are with all of the various conservation and community projects, it’s not just all work here at Wildlife Works. Physical...

29 abr 2013
Wildlife Works rangers fight against illegal ivory trade
With the increase in violence linked to the rising value of ivory, Wildlife Works’ team of rangers, led by Head Ranger and Security...

6 ene 2013
Going green: Purchasing and planting tree seedlings in Kenya
As part of Wildlife Works’ reforestation efforts, our greenhouse team regularly purchase and replant tree seedlings from around our...

2 ene 2013
Health, Wealth and Happiness: Rukinga Sanctuary hosts a health and finance management seminar for em
Living in rural Kenya can mean limited access to formal institutions such as hospitals and banks. The closest hospital to Rukinga is St....

1 ene 2013
Tragedy strikes Rukinga Sanctuary
WARNING: The following blog post contains graphic photos of elephants killed by ivory poachers. View at your own discretion. As the new...

17 oct 2011
Traditional Roofing in Kenya
By: Scolastica Fundi – Eco-factory assistant – 18th October 2011 Our pilot REDD project area at Rukinga, Kenya, Wildlife Works’ growth...

16 oct 2011
POACHERS-Caught on camera on Wildlife Works Rukinga Sanctuary
By: CARA BRAUND- Conservation Intern- 17th October 2011 As part of their efforts to track biodiversity levels on Rukinga and the rest of...

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