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17 Apr 2018
Who Makes Your Clothes at Wildlife Works? Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution is a global movement calling for a fairer, safer, cleaner, more transparent fashion industry. Ask your favorite...

25 Apr 2017
Meet Our Seamstresses for Fashion Revolution Week
Do you ask your favorite brands, #WhoMadeMyClothes? Production at Wildlife Works provides full transparency for our clients and their...

22 Mei 2015
The Strength of One Woman
“Dreams do come true,” that is probably the first thing that Vicky Kimuhu will tell you if you asked her to narrate her life story....

15 Des 2014
Wildlife Works Gives Paul Makau Mwanzia a Chance to Do What He Loves Most
Paul Makau Mwanzia, a father of two, has been mechanic at the Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project garage for over three years...

8 Des 2014
Nora Matunda Shares Her Tough Journey to Success
Nora Matunda, a mother of four, has been a seamstress at the Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project Eco Factory for over 13 years....

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