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Environmental Education For the Youth Through Sports

The highest percentage of environment destruction through poaching bush meat and charcoal burning involves mostly youths. Wildlife Works has developed many programs to educate young community members about eco-friendly alternatives such as eco-charcoal, growing trees seedlings and other environmental initiatives. These education and training programs, which are proposed by the community, are funded by carbon sales within our Kasigau Corridor REDD+ project as well as by donations from our partners and customers.

In early September 2014, Wildlife Works launched a football tournament among six county locations within the Kasigau Corridor region, with the objective to educate the youth on protecting the environment and nurturing their talents.


Before kick off and after every match, Wildlife Works’ community relations managers Laureen Lenjo and Joseph Mwakima, area chief, local leaders and some invited guests gave talks about the facts on climate change and how Wildlife Works is involved in helping the community understand the importance of protecting the forests and wild animals.

Wildlife Works also planted trees during the events and every player was urged to grow tree seedlings and be ambassadors of the environment in his/her location.


Each county location, which has about eight villages each, held their own qualifying games which were competitive and entertaining. The players were determined to win a ticket for their chance to compete for the main REDD+ trophy.


In collaboration with the other sponsors including County government, Gaffer, Football Kenya Federation (FKF), Soko Kenya, Qwetu Sacco, Taita distributor LTD, community and local leaders, Wildlife Works hosted the finals at Marasi Primary School in early May 2015. Representatives of Marungu County, Kale fc, emerged as the winner of the 1st REDD+ Tournament at Kasigau Corridor after beating Sogi fc of Mwatate County on penalties 5-3. The 3rd and 4th place went to Mwachabo and Kasigau respectively. The winners were awarded with training kits like balls, socks, gloves, Jerzy, football corns, trophies, medals, certificates and a goat to mark the day.


Wildlife Works wishes to thank all the participants, fans, leaders, community, and sponsors for making the REDD+ football tournament a success and a great impact to the youth who trained tiresomely for the tournament. We look forward to engaging the youth with more of eco-friendly activities.

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