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Wildlife Works Nursery School Celebrates its 5th Graduation Ceremony

Any graduation is a big deal and so was the Wildlife Works Nursery School’s 5th graduation ceremony. Towards the end of the year, we make it a family tradition to celebrate our Nursery School students making milestones as they prepare to join primary school.

The event was a colorful one with 6 pupils standing out in full graduation attire. Led by their teachers, they occupied the front seats reserved for them in a lively event attended by parents, pupils, and Wildlife Works employees.

Since January 2012, Wildlife Works has provided a Nursery school free of charge for employees’ children aged between 2-5 years. This ensures that the young children are introduced to a school environment and prepared when it comes to starting primary school.

Daniel Munyao, EPZ Factory Manager started off by acknowledging the role Wildlife Works has played in constructing the nursery school. “One of the reasons Wildlife Works Nursery School was set up was to address work productivity and absenteeism among employees,” he said. “Many missed work because they could not afford a nanny to take care of their children while they work. With the establishment of the nursery school, however, they can attend to their duties knowing their children are taken care of.”

Also speaking as the Guest of Honor was Wildlife Works’ Community Relations Manager Laurian Lenjo who also spoke about the importance of the nursery school. He began by thanking parents for their continuous support and cooperation with teachers in ensuring that their children are well taken care of. Mr Lenjo went on to congratulate the pupils on this important milestone and wished them well in joining primary school. He reminded them about the need to be environmental ambassadors. “You are now environmentalists. As you progress to the next level, please keep in mind that it is your responsibility to take care of wildlife and the environment,” he said.

The major celebrations began when the three best performing pupils in each class were given prizes for their hard work. To mark the end of their time at the nursery school, they were also issued with graduation certificates. Smiles and hugs were everywhere as their proud parents shook hands with them as they displayed the certificates.

As well as the certificates, the parents were issued with a recommendation letter from Wildlife Works Nursery School. This will support them in securing good primary schools for their little ones.

Tsimba Maziko, a teacher at Wildlife Works Nursery School, noted that this is not only a great achievement for the pupils but for the teachers as well. “We are proud to have nurtured these children in all aspects of development,” he said. “ We taught them basic learning skills and we are confident they are ready to join primary school,” he added.

For Wildlife Works, the sky is the limit and we wish these young ones the best as they proceed to the next step in their education.

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