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6 de jun. de 2018
My Trip to the Kasigau Corridor: Seeing a REDD+ Project in Action
Guest blog written by Vibeka Mair, a Senior Reporter for Responsible Investor who visited our Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project in February...
16 de mai. de 2018
Simon Kipsang; The Ranger and Co-pilot at Wildlife Works
By Jane Okoth For some, a wildlife adventure may seem like a normal thing, but that seemed an impossible opportunity for young Simon...
28 de mar. de 2018
Women’s Agency Grows in the Greenhouse
By Jane Okoth In sub-Saharan Africa, women perform more than 50% of the agricultural activity, according to the United Nations. While...
27 de fev. de 2018
Against All odds: Janet Wanjala’s Determination to Succeed
By Jane Okoth If you happen to pass by Wildlife Works’ organic greenhouses, chances are that you will notice Janet Elina Wanjala. The shy...
19 de jan. de 2018
Son of a Poacher, 26-year-old Fulfills Dream to Become Conservation Pilot
By Jane Okoth Always calm and composed in his demeanor, Daniel Zuma is not your regular character. As a gyrocopter pilot at Wildlife...
18 de dez. de 2017
Highlights from our Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
As we approach the end of 2017, we’re reflecting on all the achievements from our Mai Ndombe REDD+ project in the Democratic Republic of...
1 de dez. de 2017
Boosting Healthcare: The Story Behind the Renovation of Moi District Hospital Laboratory—4 Ye
By Jane Okoth There is something exciting about the Moi District Hospital, and it is not just the jovial laboratory employees who are...
29 de jan. de 2017
Baby Elephant Rescue
On November 2, 2016, our ground team received a call from a goat herdsman that a 5-year old elephant was roaming close to her farm alone...
10 de out. de 2016
Moses – Head of Data Collection for our rangers
Moses Lorewa is Head of Data Collection as part of the 85 Wildlife Works rangers that patrol our Kasigau Corridor REDD+ project in...
15 de jun. de 2016
Wildlife Works On-Site Nursery School Gets a Makeover
No matter where you are in the world, playtime at nursery school sounds the same – delighted shrieking and shouting erupts from tiny...
2 de jun. de 2016
George of the Jungle: Growing our Tree Seedling and Agriculture Business
“If you put me in an office, it will be the end of me!” is the first thing George Thumbi tells us on a tour of his life. George, a father...
16 de mar. de 2015
Wildlife Works to Participate in Cap COP21 Events in Paris
COP21 in December 2015 will be a unique opportunity to bring climate change to the main stage. EcoAct, a partner of Wildlife Works in...
26 de jan. de 2015
Improving on Education along Kasigau Corridor by Wildlife Works
Education! The key to success in life. The dream begins with the teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes to lead you to the next...
14 de jan. de 2015
Project Impacts of 2014
Wildlife Works thanks the corporate leaders that contributed to 2014’s success of more than double that of our REDD+ projects in 2013....
12 de jan. de 2015
Wildlife Works offsets all player travel for 2014 World Series
Image credit: blog.caldwellbanker Wildlife Works was proud to work with Bonneville Environmental Foundation and Major League Baseball to...
1 de dez. de 2014
A Letter from Founder & President Mike Korchinsky on Our No-Gun Policy
We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our supporters and the viewers of ‘Ivory Wars’ for their outpouring of support and encouragement...
5 de fev. de 2014
The Efficiency of Carbon Credits: Wildlife Works’ REDD Project Gives Hope to Families in Kasig
Only someone who has never witnessed first-hand the plight of a developing nation would dispute the effectiveness of carbon credits....
9 de dez. de 2013
African Wild Dogs in Rukinga
To effectively protect the wildlife in our project area, the Wildlife Works biodiversity monitoring team and rangers employ several...
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