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22 de out. de 2013
African Buffalo Rescue
African buffaloes, which are known to be among the most vicious and ruthless species in the animal kingdom, can be highly unpredictable....

20 de ago. de 2013
Help Save Recently Discovered Rare Mountain Lions in Ethiopia
For the first time, mountain lions have been discovered in the Ethiopia Kafa project area. Kafa, the birthplace of wild arabica coffee,...
25 de jul. de 2013
Poachers Threaten More Than Just Our Wildlife
Not only are wildlife criminals heavily armed and extremely dangerous, the threat of violence from poachers is not limited to the...

9 de jul. de 2013
Elizabeth Juma Mwamkono: Utilizing an Opportunity
Elizabeth Juma Mwamkono, a seamstress in our eco-factory, can attest that life needs to be faced with every ounce of courage that can be...

30 de jun. de 2013
Kenya Airways and Wildlife Works allow you to travel the world while protecting the environment
Kenya Airways has teamed up with Wildlife Works to allow passengers to offset the carbon emissions from every flight. To help spread the...

23 de jun. de 2013
Building the Future: Residents of Mwatate Get A Taste Of Wildlife Works REDD
Residents of the town of Mwatate have joined the other Taita County communities who can say, without a doubt, that environmental...

19 de jun. de 2013
Wildlife Works Voted Best Project Developer in Forestry
Wildlife Works Carbon LLC was voted best project developer in the forestry category of Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance...

10 de jun. de 2013
All work and no play? Forest Carbon Credit Sales Fund New Phys. Ed. clothing for students!
As busy as we are with all of the various conservation and community projects, it’s not just all work here at Wildlife Works. Physical...

6 de jun. de 2013
Wildlife Works looks to the birds to better understand climate change
As part of a long-term study to determine whether climate change is affecting bird populations, a Wildlife Works team hiked up Mt....

29 de abr. de 2013
Wildlife Works rangers fight against illegal ivory trade
With the increase in violence linked to the rising value of ivory, Wildlife Works’ team of rangers, led by Head Ranger and Security...

12 de mar. de 2013
The Jojoba Project: Cosmetic and beauty plants benefit rural communities
If you check the ingredient label on your favorite shampoo, lotion or lipstick, it’s very likely you’ll see jojoba listed. The oil...

4 de mar. de 2013
Fashion Designers Without Borders
By Joyce Hu, Creative Director, Wildlife Works Last month, Wildlife Works was honored to be part of Supply Change’s first annual Fashion...

6 de jan. de 2013
Going green: Purchasing and planting tree seedlings in Kenya
As part of Wildlife Works’ reforestation efforts, our greenhouse team regularly purchase and replant tree seedlings from around our...

2 de jan. de 2013
Health, Wealth and Happiness: Rukinga Sanctuary hosts a health and finance management seminar for em
Living in rural Kenya can mean limited access to formal institutions such as hospitals and banks. The closest hospital to Rukinga is St....

1 de jan. de 2013
Tragedy strikes Rukinga Sanctuary
WARNING: The following blog post contains graphic photos of elephants killed by ivory poachers. View at your own discretion. As the new...

25 de dez. de 2012
A Journey into REDD+: Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project, Kenya
By Rachel O’Reilly, part of the Wildlife Works Carbon Business Development team This October, I was assigned to visit our REDD+ (Reducing...

17 de dez. de 2012
Students from Marungu Secondary School take a walk on the wildlife side
Part of Wildlife Works’ community enrichment strategy includes ensuring that underprivileged students get a chance to view their...

16 de dez. de 2012
Grace Wanjala: Sewing her own future
Grace Wanjala began school as a young girl, but was forced to abandon her studies at age 14, due to a lack of funding. Grace, now 22...

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