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26 de fev. de 2014
Farmers around the Kasigau Corridor Grow and Sell Seedlings to Wildlife Works
With global warming becoming a more imminent threat, trees and other vegetation remain among our best defense mechanisms. Trees’ ability...

20 de fev. de 2014
The Rescue of Baby Elephant, Mackinnon
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust recently indicated that an orphaned elephant rescued from the Mackinnon region of our project area is...

17 de fev. de 2014
Marking Milestones, The First Students of Wildlife Works Graduate
The first Wildlife Works Nursery School graduation ceremony was a joyful occasion filled with dance and song along with awards to...

5 de fev. de 2014
The Efficiency of Carbon Credits: Wildlife Works’ REDD Project Gives Hope to Families in Kasig
Only someone who has never witnessed first-hand the plight of a developing nation would dispute the effectiveness of carbon credits....

24 de nov. de 2013
Kileva uses carbon credits to construct new classroom
Kileva Eastfield Primary School is thrilled to announce the construction of its new classroom, thanks to proceeds from their conservation...

10 de nov. de 2013
Welcoming Mai Ndombe in the DRC to the Wildlife Works REDD+ Portfolio
As the largest Sub-Saharan country in Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has a vast array of environments, peoples,...

20 de ago. de 2013
Help Save Recently Discovered Rare Mountain Lions in Ethiopia
For the first time, mountain lions have been discovered in the Ethiopia Kafa project area. Kafa, the birthplace of wild arabica coffee,...

30 de jun. de 2013
Kenya Airways and Wildlife Works allow you to travel the world while protecting the environment
Kenya Airways has teamed up with Wildlife Works to allow passengers to offset the carbon emissions from every flight. To help spread the...

23 de jun. de 2013
Building the Future: Residents of Mwatate Get A Taste Of Wildlife Works REDD
Residents of the town of Mwatate have joined the other Taita County communities who can say, without a doubt, that environmental...

19 de jun. de 2013
Wildlife Works Voted Best Project Developer in Forestry
Wildlife Works Carbon LLC was voted best project developer in the forestry category of Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance...

2 de dez. de 2012
Not a drop to drink: Building water tanks in arid lands
For the people of the Kasigau area where our Rukinga Wildlife Sanctuary is located, a normal day involves walking many miles to collect...

5 de nov. de 2012
Save the kale: How one leafy green is changing lives
For some of us, eating vegetables is a chore. For others, it is a means of survival. In Kenya, kale is referred to as “Sukuma wiki” which...

16 de set. de 2012
Growing Responsibly Through the Use of Sustainable Material and Means
The battle between development and environmental conservation can often be a fierce one. With the natural progression towards growth,...

8 de dez. de 2011
Restoring Rukinga
Rukinga, the home of Wildlife Works in Kenya, has seen many human-influenced changes to its landscape. Once a pristine wilderness with a...

11 de nov. de 2011
Meet Betty, Wildlife Works’ Enterprising Soap Maker
By: Cara Braund- Conservation Intern- 12th November 2011 In an area such as the Kasigau Corridor, where there are thousands of people out...

17 de out. de 2011
Traditional Roofing in Kenya
By: Scolastica Fundi – Eco-factory assistant – 18th October 2011 Our pilot REDD project area at Rukinga, Kenya, Wildlife Works’ growth...

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