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African Wild Dogs in Rukinga

To effectively protect the wildlife in our project area, the Wildlife Works biodiversity monitoring team and rangers employ several strategies to ensure all species present are safely maintained and to record data for referencing purposes. Some ways used to monitor the wildlife include ranger patrols, road transects and camera traps, which are set by the biodiversity team.


Den of African Wild dogs at the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project

A lion approaches the den of the pups

A lion approaches the den of the pups

Wildlife Works rangers, on the other hand, document data of the wildlife they encounter on the ranches whilst on security patrols. Combined, these methods of supervising the wellbeing of our wildlife, has proven effective at uncovering important information on some of the most rare wildlife in the world.

Recently, one of the cameras set by the biodiversity monitoring team captured remarkable images of a pack of 10 African Wild Dogs, eight of which were puppies. This was the fifth time that African Wild Dogs have been spotted in our project area in the span of a year.


African Wild Dog pups

The international Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the Wild Dog as an endangered species and the sighting of a den in Rukinga is very advantageous to our conservation efforts. It is estimated that the global population of the African Wild Dog is around 6,600 dispersed over 39 subpopulations, with anywhere from 6 to 276 wild dogs in each subpopulation. Other reports of the African Wild Dog in Kenya have been made in Laikipia and Maasai Mara.

A lion approaches the den at night

A lion approaches the den at night

Infectious diseases, habitat fragmentation, accidental killing by snares set by small game poachers, natural predators and conflict with human activities form the majority of threats on this rare population. Wildlife Works, in conjunction with the local community, hopes to conserve the species in our project area from deprivation. To achieve this, we provide the local community with sustainable and alternative sources of income, which keeps humans from encroaching on the wildlife sanctuaries.

With the support from all our stakeholders, we strive to protect the species of African Wild Dogs as well as all other wildlife that inhabit the Kasigau Corridor.


Wild Dog and pups outside their den

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Wildlife Works is the world’s leading REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), project development and management company with an effective approach to applying innovative market based solutions to the conservation of biodiversity. REDD+ was originated by the United Nations (UN) to help stop the destruction of the world’s forests.

Over a 15 year history Wildlife Works established a successful model that uses the emerging marketplace for REDD+ Carbon Offsets to protect threatened forests, wildlife, and communities.

The company helps local landowners in the developing world monetize their forest and biodiversity assets whether they are governments, communities, ownership groups, or private individuals.


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