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Community Newsletter August 2010

This is our second newsletter of a series in which we would like to take the opportunity to inform our neighbors and the local community about the activities of Wildlife Works Carbon (WWC).  Many of you have heard of Wildlife Works Ltd, which has worked at Rukinga Ranch for the last 10 years since February 2000 to provide jobs and protect the environment.  WWC is an exciting new arm of Wildlife Works that aims to access the growing global carbon market for the benefit of Kenyans.


Eric Sagwe (Head Ranger) from Wildlife Works Carbon at a Maungu Clean up Day

MAUNGU CLEAN UP DAY ON 9 JULY On the 9th July a Clean up Day was organized for Maungu Village in conjunction with the District Health Office with funding from Wildlife Works Carbon and drinks from World Vision. 28 Wildlife Works Rangers attended the Community Clean up and help to assist the school children. We also held Community Barazas discussing the REDD Carbon project and the immediate effects plus the longer more positive impact it will have on the communities in the area. Three baraza’s were held in the month of July at Sagalla Hill Upper, and we have arranged through the Chief and Sub Chiefs to have them every other week in all the community areas of Teri, Talio, Kishamba and Ndara sub-locations of Sagalla Hill.

WWC also went to the Kasigau Basket promotion Baraza on the 29 July to support the women’s’ group. On the 30th July another Baraza was held at Bungule. Many thanks to all those that helped support the meetings as well as the community members that came to listen. These meetings are a very important part of our project where we let everybody know what the REDD project is about as well as the getting to know the communities and what their needs are at ground level. By mobilizing the communities  into Development Committees that can bring the communities together to identify and prioritize what they want when the Carbon Funding becomes available in January 2011. The project will be for a 20-year period and annual income from Carbon sales will have a significant positive economic impact on the area Upcoming Barazas in August will be: Kajire on the 2 August,  Mgeno Reserve on 11 August, Kirumbe Primary School on 18August.


During the month of May Wildlife Works Carbon requested a call for partnership with local surrounding communities, the aim of which was to purchase up to 40,000 indigenous trees. A new nursery would have to be built to accommodate them. Due to the persistent water deprivation issues it was decided to locate them at Rukinga Ranch. This would ensure that a reliable water source for the seedlings from the nearby Mzima pipeline, and allow them to be nurtured to a healthy size before being planted out in the surrounding areas.The construction using local craftsmen started in June and will be completed soon. The roof of the nursery is constructed from 60% shadenet, to afford the seedlings ample shade from the sun. The shade net is suspended from highly tensioned wire and steel posts and covers a total area of 2,848 square feet of shade. The furrows are made from over 5,000 stabilized mud bricks that are then plastered to protect from irrigation. Water in being plumbed from two storage tanks and the entire tree nursery had to be  chain link fenced to prevent possible seedling damage from Dik Dik and other herbivores


Wildlife Works Carbon wish to buy an additional 20,000 small tree seedlings off members of the community in the project area. This will provide a small but much needed income to the people who live here, and will allow us to build up a stock of seedlings in preparation for the new Wildlife Works Carbon green houses and reforestation projects in the community areas. The seedlings should be at least 6 inches (15 cms) tall and can be presented to us in any container ….old water bottles, old plastic bags, or even half a coconut shell! We will collect the seedlings from various collection points around the communities towards the end of October. Collection points will be decided closer to the time.:

15  Shillings for healthy seedlings for the species listed:            10 Shillings for the below species:

Newtonia hildebrandti (Mukami)                                                                                       Melia volkensii (Mukurumbutu)

Manilkara (Mnago)                                                                                                    Acacia Tortillas (Mwagubu)

Brachylanea huillensis (Maribongo)                                                                Delonix  Elata (Mwarangi)

Albizia (Mporozi)                                                                                                         Acacia nilotica (Mchemeri)

Terminalia sp[inosa (Msaghona; Maungo)                                                 Delonix elata (Mwarangi)

Terminalia browni (Mkungu)                                                                               Warburgia ugandensis (Msindiri)

Terminalia prunoides (Mshoghoreka)                                                            Lannae shweinfurthi (Mshiga)

Balanities aegyptica (Mwaghani)


5 kshs for: Leauceana leucocephala (Lusina; Lukina)                            Tamaraindus indica (mukwaju)                                                                        


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